What would be the most transcendental question we host in the unreachable part of our subconscious? People may disagree, but we could say that it lays within in us, in our circuits and in every cell, in our DNA strands all over our bodies and souls. The question might be “Who am i?” or in another variant, “What the hell am I?” a short but deadly delicate question that anthropologists and historians have been trying to unravel with not that much success.
At this point we can accept the bizarre fact that evolutionists preach about the monkeys and apes which would be our elder ancestors, but when we analyze what really makes us human, from a spiritual side, things get crispy. Evolutionists such as Darwin himself say that we come from a long chain of evolving apes into hominids that due to physical environmental factors we adapted in order to create a divine window that would give us a chance to develop our brains in a form no other animal has in the planet that we know of.
So scientists talk about when we amplified our brain as a result of standing still to see our preys through the savanna and the fact that we simply went smarter than the neighborhood. To many other out of the box thinkers, the intelligence pattern is not the departing point. The question would then be: When, Why and How did hominids became soulful and gained such amazing gifts such as individual consciousness, being able to communicate complexly, in other words, when did they received that boost of mind and soul to pursue their most ambitious dreams of civilization.
The movie 2001, Space Odyssey depicted quite well the moment in which some apes saw an odd black monolith that unlocked upon them that spark of spirit, AKA intelligence in the material world we live in.
It’s funny how we take Darwin`s work as a biblical statement. On the other hand, in this 21 century world we tend to forget the religious pastiche of writings that we call holy books. The three main religions have them and despite their own misinterpretations and disinformation we clearly see a pattern. This pattern in common would be the divine intervention on our creation as a species. Not referring to the creator of the cosmos or multiverse but referring to people from the heavens that created us on their image and similitude. There are countless myths and legends on how these gods created us mixing their essence with the essence of the earth (sometimes referred in this type of literature as earth soil, sand, etc.) So in the equation we have these beings engineering the Homo sapiens with their essence or DNA with an native element from earth. This native element may be a species such as the hominid type which received that shot of consciousness that made us humans. This explanation defies it all because we could start thinking of advanced alien civilizations that genetic engineered us for some purpose. That may sound scary or lunatic but it’s one of the clearest things stated in the holy books. The famous missing link in our evolution is still missing in the mainstream line of thought and we do a literal read of some of the ancient texts worldwide, this hypothesis gains life, and boy if it breathes! All the answers to this mind pains will be uncensored soon to our truth of reality, and we will hopefully learn our true identity in this cosmic gear clock that is such a beautiful game.
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