The moon is subject of so many conspiracy theories that it makes this author to feel unsure of where to start talking about this silver jewel of our night sky. What do we know about it? Well everybody knows it is our satellite and that influences our world in a balanced way, its face grows and shrinks in a cycle and that werewolves love a good ole` full moon on a Friday night.
Mankind dreamt high and went to touch it in person decades ago, but most people haven’t been informed of all the NASA, ESA, Russian, Chinese, German and Indian activities on the moon. Certainly, it is full of mystery whats has been aired through mass media, and everything seems to indicate that we haven’t been told the truth about it.
In this article I will argue some of the let aside theories that are really interesting to adhere to our consideration.
The origins of the moon are uncertain. The most accepted theories about its presence are that when earth conglomerated as a planet it actually did into a bi-planetary system, due to the large size of the satellite in comparison with the proportions of other planets and their natural satellites. Other ideas are that the moon was a piece of earth that got separated by an asteroid struck and was left to orbit us due to gravitational pulls. It could be a small planetoid from the asteroid belt that got adhered to our gravity…
This theories make more or less sense to our sapped minds but moon studies and independent thinkers may be working with other theories much crazier but full of interesting facts.
To start, the moon is a much larger satellite than it should according to our planet size, and according to rest of the satellites we see in other planets of the solar system. The fragments that came back to earth, when analyzed, were known to have an age much older than the solar system itself and its chemical composition has nothing to do with earth`s or the solar system.
If we take the theory of the moon separating from earth it doesn’t have any sense that the chemical elements are totally alien to the system, and further than that, the physics of its orbit behavior would result on a elliptical orbit due to both gravitational pulls from earth and from the moon. Instead what we have is an almost perfectly circular orbit.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, sixth man to walk on the moon and founder of the Noetic Science Group says that when a module crashed into the moon it spend hours resonating. That`s intriguing.
Beyond the metallic resonance of the moon, it is stunning that the moon does rotate in its axis, but is synchronized with our own movements in such a way that allows us to only see one of its faces, popular culture made famous the phrase the dark side of the moon, a side never seen before, full of oddity and odds.
Another interesting aspect is that the huge craters imprinted on its surface. Craters that are signatures of huge asteroid hits, that due to its enormity would have torn apart the satellite but didn’t despite of not having a natural atmospheric shield. Those asteroids of the past would have caused serious trouble on Earth even with our ionosphere on our side. But these craters add more mystery because it has been seen that they are not deep, we can see the vertices… The Moon`s magmatic core wouldn’t have been able to fill those cracks in the flat way they present themselves.
All these ideas suggest in whispers that the moon may be an artificial satellite placed unnaturally on our vicinity to monitor earth. Not even talking about what some astronauts say they saw at their arrival, welcoming comittees that shocked Dr. Armstrong so much or buildings, towers and supposed spacecraft spotted in its cold surface.
In order to expand and for a better understanding of these ideas I highly encourage everyone to check out Dr. Fernando Jimenez del Oso and his take on these side theories in youtube under the “Luna hueca jimenez del oso” tags. Bon appetite for the mind.
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