Months ago surfing the dark corners of the web I came to a website in which a person that claimed to be a former psi-soldier with a science fiction story of aliens, conspiracy, psychic technology developed by some governments and unbelievable other activities. There a lot of people that make a living out of this kind of disinfo but I wanted to research him deeper because the story is super entertaining to say the least. The videos are in youtube under the name “James Casbolt”.
So investigating in the web his background I encountered a forum where everyone was debunking the guy as another freaky impostor or hoax, but suddenly there was this poster claiming to be a really good friend of his and supporting everything Mr. Casbolt was stating. I private messaged this individual asking for proof, asking for something more than fancy MIB soldier stories… Pictures, video, docs, anything. Days later he sent me a document that gathers 3 essays that I found to be incredibly interesting.
The document which I will adjunct in this article is a long read giving the scientific theory and method to successfully manifest any kind of matter into the physical reality under quantum mechanics and spiritual processes.
martes, enero 24, 2012
Mysterious Moon
The moon is subject of so many conspiracy theories that it makes this author to feel unsure of where to start talking about this silver jewel of our night sky. What do we know about it? Well everybody knows it is our satellite and that influences our world in a balanced way, its face grows and shrinks in a cycle and that werewolves love a good ole` full moon on a Friday night.
Mankind dreamt high and went to touch it in person decades ago, but most people haven’t been informed of all the NASA, ESA, Russian, Chinese, German and Indian activities on the moon. Certainly, it is full of mystery whats has been aired through mass media, and everything seems to indicate that we haven’t been told the truth about it.
In this article I will argue some of the let aside theories that are really interesting to adhere to our consideration.
The origins of the moon are uncertain. The most accepted theories about its presence are that when earth conglomerated as a planet it actually did into a bi-planetary system, due to the large size of the satellite in comparison with the proportions of other planets and their natural satellites. Other ideas are that the moon was a piece of earth that got separated by an asteroid struck and was left to orbit us due to gravitational pulls. It could be a small planetoid from the asteroid belt that got adhered to our gravity…
This theories make more or less sense to our sapped minds but moon studies and independent thinkers may be working with other theories much crazier but full of interesting facts.
To start, the moon is a much larger satellite than it should according to our planet size, and according to rest of the satellites we see in other planets of the solar system. The fragments that came back to earth, when analyzed, were known to have an age much older than the solar system itself and its chemical composition has nothing to do with earth`s or the solar system.
If we take the theory of the moon separating from earth it doesn’t have any sense that the chemical elements are totally alien to the system, and further than that, the physics of its orbit behavior would result on a elliptical orbit due to both gravitational pulls from earth and from the moon. Instead what we have is an almost perfectly circular orbit.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, sixth man to walk on the moon and founder of the Noetic Science Group says that when a module crashed into the moon it spend hours resonating. That`s intriguing.
Beyond the metallic resonance of the moon, it is stunning that the moon does rotate in its axis, but is synchronized with our own movements in such a way that allows us to only see one of its faces, popular culture made famous the phrase the dark side of the moon, a side never seen before, full of oddity and odds.
Another interesting aspect is that the huge craters imprinted on its surface. Craters that are signatures of huge asteroid hits, that due to its enormity would have torn apart the satellite but didn’t despite of not having a natural atmospheric shield. Those asteroids of the past would have caused serious trouble on Earth even with our ionosphere on our side. But these craters add more mystery because it has been seen that they are not deep, we can see the vertices… The Moon`s magmatic core wouldn’t have been able to fill those cracks in the flat way they present themselves.
All these ideas suggest in whispers that the moon may be an artificial satellite placed unnaturally on our vicinity to monitor earth. Not even talking about what some astronauts say they saw at their arrival, welcoming comittees that shocked Dr. Armstrong so much or buildings, towers and supposed spacecraft spotted in its cold surface.
In order to expand and for a better understanding of these ideas I highly encourage everyone to check out Dr. Fernando Jimenez del Oso and his take on these side theories in youtube under the “Luna hueca jimenez del oso” tags. Bon appetite for the mind.
Meditation: Relearning to breathe.
Meditation is coming back to us these years. Yoga, taichi, vikram and other disciplines now fashionable bring to the westerner citizen mechanisms to reach god inside of us, a born tool of man and women that now we can retrieve from religious censorship.
I started meditating 6 years ago, at this point of my journey I would have never believed where it would take me to relearn how to breathe and the good and unbelievable things that gave me. I started researching it and finding out the different cultures and their ways to meditate, from Islamic praying to the “Buddhist walk of the silver path to Enlightenment”, meditation basics are breath in and out, simply as that. Something so natural to our body systems that we don’t even notice it’s importance and possibilities. It could be schematically describe as receiving a present (existence), value it, use it properly and then thank the person that gave it to you, by giving something as extraordinaire in return. It’s the cosmic photosynthesis that we have been created to practice. This action to breathe the universe, to take from it, and then to let go and give back is for me the true religion and faith, and it has been inside us, all this time.
There are many disciplines and methods as I said, but since it’s the innermost personal mechanism of humans we can experiment and learn on our own. The results can overwhelm you easily. It’s the real deal of spiritualism and the objective judge to prove it is only you.
We breathe all the time without even taking notice of it, to most of us it’s an organic subconscious routine that we don’t even have to control. The act of breathing in order to meditate and enter a state of nothingness must be different than normal respiration.
Diaphragmatic respiration is the one that starts from stomach, filling it with air, then going to the chest through the diaphragm and finally to fill the lungs to its entireness, then letting go from lungs back to stomach. Only with 10 diaphragmatic breathing cycles at a slow rate, will set us in a truly relaxed state. Combining this physical procedure with a specific mental intent will lead you to a trance in which you don’t feel yourself anymore; your body feels without walls that separate you from the cosmos, the macro being we are all part of, god.
When we reach that state of nothingness there are a lot of routes to take, through meditation we can open our chakras and use them. You will unlock abilities such as higher tuned telepathic and empathic skills, you will be able to surf the collective conscience and information, you can remote view people, places and spaces. You can even heal yourself and never catch a cold again, you can heal the world by pouring positive love emotion into the reality, you can meet guides, and higher entities, you can see the sparks of the future and the past. You can even fix lost dreams retrieving them instantly. You can astral travel to other worlds and dimensions even, you can manifest matter… It is a rollercoaster at the least.
When we meditate we enter in a mode in which our brains act differently, we resonate in a different length of wave in the spectrum working with alpha waves instead of normal beta waves. I am not a scientist but a true dedicated searcher and experiencer, if I sound bias is because I am talking about my own journey; though anyone that has meditated for at least for a month every day, can surely experiment this truth. You will be feeling so much better, having clear positive repercussions in your daily experience for real.
Another aspect of meditation is the practice. It is analogically similar to going to the gym. Imagine what the spiritual gym nuts of the Tibetan or Shaolin monks are able to do with entire lifes of devotion to this technique. Truly fantastic, there are stories that they even materialize their own food.
2012: Make a wish.
The Mayans were an astounding culture without a doubt. They were spiritually connected to the earth and the universe and they left us a lot of remnants such as pyramids, art, texts and the infamous Mayan calendar. Apart from this and extracted from their wrecked literature they were astonishing astronomers and mathematicians. Some of the ancient cultures knew astronomic facts thousands of years ago that we now have discovered in the eighties and nineties. How can we possibly understand these facts? We have Hubble, they didn’t. That we know of.
The Mayan calendar finishes on the 21st of December of 2012 to our Gregorian calendar. It’s all about the gear behavior of our solar system, this calendar makes counts of solar cycles and eras of thousands of years and the interesting thing is that we are there. Changes are already happening, but before getting deeper into the facts of the Mayan calendar I must clarify some semantic aspects of its mythology.
For starter 2012 is a synonym of the end of the world in most people’s heads. That would be misleading because the term apocalypse related to it means nothing close to doomsday. The definition is closer to “the discovery”, “the disclosure” or “the revealing”. It is true that grand part of the meaning comes from the Book of Revelations, and that it has been linked to a extinction level event, even though, this could be tagged as the punishing and wide distributed information from the catholic literature that threatens our behavior with doomsday and Final Judgement legends.
Either way it’s indeed exciting to be alive these days, and more than just living, trying to understand this ultra-complex puzzle placed for us to solve. Time is running. Psychic scientists, shamans and other sources and researchers also think that this event is a window to a higher level of consciousness in which mankind would be able to bring the heavens to earth. The corrupted political and economic status quo may look to a lot of people like a process leading to the end of that world, with the nuance of the world paradigm being the one to be extinguished.
The world is a mess more than ever, thanks to this system we apparently chose, a system far from sustainability, which profits less than 1% of the population. This microscopic allpowered elite are allowing death, starvation and countless more tragedies. Not to mention the total misuse and embargo of knowledge and REAL technology that could make the whole world be balanced and tuned, as it should be.
That is what will be annihilated not the good souls harassed and crushed by this tyrannical entity we call the world elite. Changes are coming in different fields: it seems the earth and the whole solar system`s activity are tingling in a special way, considering earthquakes, tsunamis and other purge natural systems this conscious planetoids and star seem to have. Changes are also coming from the human factor that more likely will manifest through a battle of two sides:
War, drug and energy mafias with their corrupted politics and media against the real 99% population of humans and their capability to rise their consciousness and transcend to a new fair world past 2012.
Speculation is served, we will have to wait to see how it turns out, but during the time one of the best advice to follow is to create the possibility of a positive change and not be alienated with what seems Hollywood and NASA wants us to believe. We can’t live in fear anymore we must go to the other pole, LOVE.
Reality Matrix and Quantum physics:
Since the beginning of the XXth century mankind has developed a new scientific method that still nowadays may be a big stranger to a lot of people. Quantum physics seems to be the new real deal, and it centers on explaining the reality matrix we live in with a different scientific paradigm than the Euclidian/Einsteinian axis of thought and law.
Asides, quantum physics knows that reality is not always as rational and iron ruled as we thought. An interesting thing about this discipline and other that have emerged from it, is the account of dreams, intuitions, visions, testimonies and other subjective sources that are added to normal empiric scientific activities to corroborate new behaviors of matter and our relation to it through our consciousness. It may sound tricky but let’s be patient to settle down all this crazy nonsense.
The idea of a holographic reality jumps in scene when scientists suddenly discovered something unbelievable. They executed a series of experiments with electrons, shooting with a canon electrons through a wall with one vertical slit. As they expected, the electrons that made it into the slit on the other side left a pattern/mark of a vertical slit. When they did this with a wave of water, the same thing happened; the pattern corresponded to a slit.
Scientists then added another parallel slit. So when they shot electrons through the double slit wall they had a double slit pattern on the other way. When they used the double slit experiment on water waves they realized that when the wave entered the slits, they would come out of it creating new mini arcs that would cancel each other out, creating new geometrical collisions resulting on an interference pattern that would not resemble two slit but more like a barcode. They didn’t really understood what was going on so they decided to measure closely what happened when particles or waves entered the double slit. They placed a camera really close to the slits.
But then something overwhelming happened: By the mere fact of recording/measuring, the electrons that previously acted normally and created a double slit pattern, suddenly were giving an interference pattern, much like the water waves when unobserved. They couldn’t believe it, the particles when are observed act differently than when they are not observed. In other words, matter acts different that we though, it acts more like a wave of possibilities.
This experiment was the tip of the iceberg of quantum physics; the implications of its results are mesmerizing. To summarize what they found out is that “we” as constant conscious observers (the recording device that was set) change the way solid normal and rational matter behave into a matter that behaves like a wave of possibilities (wavicles). Imagine how useful this insight is. We are the ones that order the reality by our mere observation.
An example would be that our brains are the ones that fix the whole wave of possibility in a certain way. Let’s say the ashtray on my table right now is there because im fixating it into specific time/space coordinates. That goes for the whole reality. As some scientists try to explain the bizarreness of our reality, they go even further by saying that matter is not solid as we thought, everything is intangible but we are the ones to “quantumly” add limitation to the possibilities of how things manifest, of what we manifest and the characteristics of the manifested matter. Some link this knowledge to ancient alchemy or magic, the same kind of “science” that was slaughtered during the Middle Ages up until the Age of Inquisition. Maybe someone in charge didn’t want us to have the key to our reality cage. Good news is quantum physics is here to stay and will shape the way we are able to interact and create our reality. Magic is true advanced science and it is coming.
The origin of Mankind: Side Theories and Secrets.
What would be the most transcendental question we host in the unreachable part of our subconscious? People may disagree, but we could say that it lays within in us, in our circuits and in every cell, in our DNA strands all over our bodies and souls. The question might be “Who am i?” or in another variant, “What the hell am I?” a short but deadly delicate question that anthropologists and historians have been trying to unravel with not that much success.
At this point we can accept the bizarre fact that evolutionists preach about the monkeys and apes which would be our elder ancestors, but when we analyze what really makes us human, from a spiritual side, things get crispy. Evolutionists such as Darwin himself say that we come from a long chain of evolving apes into hominids that due to physical environmental factors we adapted in order to create a divine window that would give us a chance to develop our brains in a form no other animal has in the planet that we know of.
So scientists talk about when we amplified our brain as a result of standing still to see our preys through the savanna and the fact that we simply went smarter than the neighborhood. To many other out of the box thinkers, the intelligence pattern is not the departing point. The question would then be: When, Why and How did hominids became soulful and gained such amazing gifts such as individual consciousness, being able to communicate complexly, in other words, when did they received that boost of mind and soul to pursue their most ambitious dreams of civilization.
The movie 2001, Space Odyssey depicted quite well the moment in which some apes saw an odd black monolith that unlocked upon them that spark of spirit, AKA intelligence in the material world we live in.
It’s funny how we take Darwin`s work as a biblical statement. On the other hand, in this 21 century world we tend to forget the religious pastiche of writings that we call holy books. The three main religions have them and despite their own misinterpretations and disinformation we clearly see a pattern. This pattern in common would be the divine intervention on our creation as a species. Not referring to the creator of the cosmos or multiverse but referring to people from the heavens that created us on their image and similitude. There are countless myths and legends on how these gods created us mixing their essence with the essence of the earth (sometimes referred in this type of literature as earth soil, sand, etc.) So in the equation we have these beings engineering the Homo sapiens with their essence or DNA with an native element from earth. This native element may be a species such as the hominid type which received that shot of consciousness that made us humans. This explanation defies it all because we could start thinking of advanced alien civilizations that genetic engineered us for some purpose. That may sound scary or lunatic but it’s one of the clearest things stated in the holy books. The famous missing link in our evolution is still missing in the mainstream line of thought and we do a literal read of some of the ancient texts worldwide, this hypothesis gains life, and boy if it breathes! All the answers to this mind pains will be uncensored soon to our truth of reality, and we will hopefully learn our true identity in this cosmic gear clock that is such a beautiful game.
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